Stack Fumigation
(Commodities Fmigated under Sheet Cover) Stack fumigation can be undertaken for Agricultural produce by fumigating under gas proof cover against stored insect pests like grain beetdes, weevils and moths. Stack fumigation i for export and import consignments. Wooden Pachaging Material (WPM). Colateral Service Providers. Bulk grain handling agencies. Logistis Exporters, lmporters and warehousing gencies Fumigation AirlLCL Cargo,.container, warehouse, slos as per standard withALP & MBR. Fumigation as Per ISPM-15 (For Wooden packing Material) The regulations, known worldwide as ISPM I5 and recognized by the World Trade Organization, are intended to prevent the spread of timber pests throughout the world Alshipments using any species of solid wood packaging must be fumigated by Dte. Plant Protection Quarantine & Storage approved agency and endorsed with ISPM 15 stamp before being allowed entry to or crossing through a participating country. DPCS is approved agency for ISPM I5 fumigation treatment at various states in India.