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The stroke syndrome is a condition of sudden development of neurologic deficit sometimes associated with unconsciousness. Hemiplegia: This is the paralysis of one half of the body including lower half of the face, upper and lower extremities due to opposite sided Pyramidal lesion. When the face is affected, the Hemiplegia is called complete. Hemiplegia is broadly because of two causes: (1) Infraction (2) Intracerebral Haemorrhage In case of Infraction, there is loss of blood supply due to Thrombosis or Emboli in these types of patients; The best Ayurvedic Treatment for Paralysis provides lots of medicine, but in case of Hemorrhage, it is sometimes difficult to treat the patient only with Ayurvedic Drugs.
When muscle function is lost in part of body it is termed as the Paralysis. Severe paralysis can stop the passage of message between the brain and the muscles. It can be cause to a loss of feeling, sensory loss. It can be completely affect completely or partially affect the body.
It can affect the either one side or both sides of the body. Paralysis is most frequently caused by damage in the nervous system, especially the spinal cord.